Information Technology and Systems - 2012
Conference for Young Scientists and Engineers
August, 19-25, Petrozavodsk, Russia

Русский | English






This year ITaS’12 will be held in the Republic Karelia - one of the most beautiful places in the Russian North. Karelia is an amazing land of white nights, rocks and thousands of lakes and historical places that keep the memory of the northern people.

The first part (August, 19-22) will take place in Onego Palace Hotel in the capital of the Republic Karelia - Petrozavodsk. Petrozavodsk is located at the Lake Onega and is surrounded by forests. It is an important scientific and cultural center.


The second Part (August, 22-25) is going to be in hotel “Derevnya Aleksandrovka” near Petrozavodsk on Pertozero lake shore.
